Človek je prvi papir izdelal iz kože svoje duše.
Zato je blagoslovljen.
Nanak je nanj načečkal besedo.
Za vedno bodi papir.
Za vedno bodi izdelovalec papirja.
Drevo je žrtvovano, da bi preneslo papir.
Toliko gnezd leži v njem.
Vanj so vpisana vsa imena ptic.
V njem je slišati mokro šumljanje zelenih listov.
Papir vidi z očmi peresa.
Govori z barvami.
Sliši z abecedami.
Jezik je duša papirja.
Je kos neba,
ležeč na mizi.
Celo ko je sežgan in zveden na pepel,
abecede vzdržijo.
To je čuden ptič,
ki je pristal v mojem naročju, da bi si odpočil.
Razvil se je iz kamna.
Bil je lubje drevesa tãrhpatra, usnje in okli.
Čutim, da smo ena družina, ko vidim papir.
Papir je okno v sedanji trenutek v času.
Je prehod k možnemu.
Ko ni bilo papirja, je poezija bila.
Ko ni bilo človeka, je poezija takisto bila.
Prazen papir izziva
kot ženska, ki leži gola.
Utripa kot senca vzburjenega moškega
in drhti kot telesa v približevanju.
Papir –
zmaj, ki je prvič vzletel
potni list brez vrnitve
karte, ki jih igrajo zaporniki
pismo, izgubljeno na poti do cilja
časnik stoletja, odvržen ob poti
Prevod: Katja Perat
Man made the first ever paper with the skin of his soul.
That is why it is blessed.
Nanak scribbled the word on it.
May you be forever paper.
May you be forever the papermaker.
A tree is sacrificed to bear the paper.
So many nests lie in it.
All the birds’ names are inscribed on it.
In it you can hear the wet rustling of green leaves.
The paper sees with the eye of the pen.
It speaks with colours.
It hears with alphabets.
The language is the soul of the paper.
It is a piece of the sky
lying on the desk.
Even when it is burnt and reduced to ashes
the alphabets still remain.
It is a strange bird
Who has landed in my lap to rest.
It evolved out of stone.
It was tãrhpatra tree bark, the leather and the tusk.
I feel we are one family when I see the paper.
The paper is the window to the present moment in time.
It is the gateway to the possibility.
When there was no paper, poetry was there.
When there was no man, poetry was there too.
A blank paper challenges
like the woman lying naked.
It pulsates like the temples of the aroused man
and shakes like the bodies coming together.
The paper –
A kite flying for the first time
A passport of no return
The cards the prisoners play
A letter lost on the way to its destination
A newspaper of the century thrown on the street